Certified Teacher, 2015
Developed at Google and based on the latest in neuroscience research, the Search Inside Yourself Leadership Institute (SIYLI) offers attention and mindfulness training programs that build the core emotional intelligence skills needed for peak performance and effective leadership.
Experience Point
ExperiencePoint (EP) is an award-winning training company that develops innovation and change management workshops that are transforming the way people learn, manage change and solve complex problems.
ExperienceInnovationTM, is an expert-guided innovation simulation that reveals the fundamentals of IDEO’s human-centered design approach.
ExperienceChangeTM simulates the challenges of real world change, without the real world scars. From analysis through to planning and implementation, the experience delivers the essentials of a year-long change journey in a one-day workshop.
Certified ExperienceChange Facilitator, 2009 – present
Certified ExperienceInnovation Facilitator, 2011 – present
Certified ExperienceInnovationApply Facilitator, 2015 – present
New Ventures West (NVW)
Certified Integral Coach, 2005 – present
Integral coaching is a rigorous coaching methodology based on foundational understanding of how people learn, grow and change. Essentially, the focus of integral coaching is on building a leader’s competence to better face their circumstances. Highly pragmatic, successful coaching leaves people with the following outcomes:
- Long-term excellence
- The ability to self-correct
- Competence in being self-generating
Assessment Tools
California Pyschological Inventory (CPI)
Hogan Assessment Tools (Personality Inventory, Development Survey, and Motives, Values and Preferences Inventory)
Qualitative 360° design and interpretation
360° Survey interpretation
Intellectual Testing administration and interpretation